How to Stop a Cat from Scratching at a Doors in 2024

Discover effective tips to stop your cat from scratching at a doors. Learn why cats scratch and explore proven prevention methods, including deterrents and positive reinforcement techniques.

For pet owners, cats scratching at doors may be an annoying and expensive issue. Although cats naturally exhibit this habit, it can seriously harm your house.

Why Do Cats Scratch Doors?

Cats scratch for a variety of purposes, such as marking their territory, keeping their claws in place, or just being bored. According to authors, treating the behavior requires a knowledge of these causes. Cats frequently scratch doors in an attempt to get into another room or your attention.

Cats Scratch Doors

Prevention Strategies

·  Provide Alternatives:

  • Scratching Posts: Giving your cat plenty of scratching posts will help reroute their innate scratching behavior away from doors. Put these stakes close to the doors that your cat tries to pry open.
  • Cat Toys: Playthings can help your cat stay busy and lessen boredom, which is a common cause of scratching. Puzzle feeders or interactive toys can keep them occupied and away from doors.

Create a Routine:

  • Playtime Before Bed:  Playing with your cat for 15 to 20 minutes before bed can help them get tired and less prone to scratch at doors at night.
  • Feeding Schedule: Creating a consistent feeding schedule. Cats will frequently scratch to gain your attention, particularly if they know that a certain door signifies mealtime.

 Deterrent Methods

1.     Double-Sided Tape:

  • Placing double-sided tape on the door or close by can work as an efficient deterrent. Cats are discouraged from scratching because they find the sticky feeling on their paws unpleasant.

2.     Scent Deterrents:

  • According to Author, you should use sprays that have unpleasant scents for cats, such citrus. To deter cats, use these sprays on the door and its surroundings.

3.     Physical Barriers:

  • Door Shields and Mats: To reduce damage, Author advises utilizing barriers like as mats or door guards. If your cat is constantly scratching, these barriers may be quite beneficial.
Cats Scratch Doors

Training and Behavioral Modification

1.     Positive Reinforcement:

  • Rewards for acceptable surface scratching rather than door scratching will help your cat learn healthy behavior. Author stress the value of patience and consistency when training your cat.

2.     Ignore Attention-Seeking Behavior:

  • Try to ignore your cat’s behavior if it’s scratching the door to catch your attention. Recognizing it could make the scratching more intense. Giving in to your cat’s requests right away can teach them that scratching is effective, thus Author suggests against doing so.

Alternative Solutions

1.     Close Off Certain Areas:

  • You can stop your cat from scratching doors at night by keeping them in a designated room, such the laundry or bathroom. While it might not work for everyone, there are situations when it can be useful.

2.     Environmental Enrichment:

  • Providing your cat with plenty of mental and physical stimulation during the day can reduce destructive behaviors. Adding vertical spaces like cat trees or you can also give your cat more opportunities to scratch and climb.
Cats Scratch Doors


Understanding a cat’s behavior, offering alternatives, and utilizing deterrents are all necessary to stop them from clawing at doors. You can secure your house and keep your cat happy and healthy by using these tips. Recall that perseverance and consistency are essential for success.

For more detailed information, check out the full articles on Pawtle and Sheba.


How do I get my cat to stop scratching my door?

  • Provide Alternatives: Offer scratching posts or mats near the door to redirect your cat’s scratching behavior.
  • Use Deterrents: Apply double-sided tape or citrus-scented sprays around the door to make it less appealing to your cat.
  • Play and Exercise: Engage your cat in play sessions to tire them out, reducing the likelihood of door scratching out of boredom or excess energy.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cat for scratching appropriate surfaces rather than the door.

Why does my cat scratch at the front door?

  • Territory Marking: Cats scratch surfaces to mark their territory, including front doors, which often see a lot of traffic.
  • Attention-Seeking: If your cat scratches at the front door, it might be trying to get your attention, possibly to go outside or simply interact with you.
  • Boredom or Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious, and scratching at the front door might be their way of trying to explore what lies beyond or alleviate boredom.

These answers draw from expert advice and strategies to help manage and prevent your cat’s door-scratching behavior.