Cooling Diets for Dogs: Keep Your dog Healthy and Calm 2024

Discover the benefits of a cooling diets for dogs, rooted in Chinese medicine. Learn how cooling foods like duck, cucumber, and barley can reduce inflammation, allergies, and overheating. Perfect for dogs prone to internal heat or seasonal allergies. Find out more with easy-to-follow cooling diet recipes and expert tips on Care for Pet Life.

As a responsible pet owner, ensuring your dog’s comfort, happiness, and overall health is a top priority. One lesser-known but crucial aspect of canine nutrition is the concept of food energetics—specifically, how warming and cooling foods can impact your dog’s health. For dogs that tend to overheat, switching to a cooling diet can make all the difference.

What is a Cooling Diets?

A cooling diet for dogs draws from Chinese medicine’s food energetics, where foods are classified as warming, neutral, or cooling. Cooling foods are ideal for dogs with allergies, inflammation, or those who are prone to overheating. This diet helps maintain Yin and Yang balance by reducing internal heat, keeping your dog cool and calm.

Signs Your Dog May Need a Cooling Diet

Not all dogs need a cooling diet, but if your dog exhibits any of the following signs, it might be worth considering:

  • Excessive Panting: Even when not exerting themselves, your dog may pant to release heat.
  • Frequent Itching and Seasonal Allergies: Dogs prone to allergies may have excess heat in their system.
  • Bright Red Tongue: In Chinese medicine, a bright red tongue signals internal heat.
  • Aggressive Behavior: Just as heat can make people irritable, it can make dogs more aggressive.
  • Overheating Easily: If your dog struggles to stay cool, a cooling diet might be beneficial.
Cooling Diets for Dogs

Cooling Foods for Dogs: Chinese Medicine’s Influence

Incorporating cooling foods can help reduce internal heat and calm your dog. Here are some options based on Chinese medicine principles:

Cooling Meats:

  • Duck: A cooling protein, ideal for dogs with heat-related issues.
  • Rabbit: Lean, hypoallergenic, and cooling.
  • Pollock: A cooling fish that’s low in fat.
  • Turkey: While neutral, turkey can be balanced with cooling foods.

Cooling Vegetables & Fruits:

  • Spinach: Nutrient-dense and cooling.
  • Celery: Hydrating and great for reducing internal heat.
  • Cucumber: Excellent for cooling and hydrating.
  • Apples: A refreshing, cooling fruit with fiber and vitamins.

Cooling Grains & Herbs:

  • Barley: A cooling grain that aids digestion.
  • Chamomile: Known for calming and cooling properties.
  • Chia Seeds: Nutrient-rich with cooling benefits.
  • Kelp: A cooling sea vegetable that supports skin and coat health.

Cooling Diet Recipes for Dogs

You can easily incorporate cooling foods into your dog’s diet with these simple recipes:

  • Cooling Duck and Spinach Meal: Cooked duck breast, steamed spinach, and barley, topped with kelp powder.
  • Chilled Cucumber and Turkey Salad: Turkey, cucumber, apple slices, and cooled chamomile tea.
  • Cooling Rabbit Stew: Rabbit, celery, chia seeds, and cooling vegetables like carrots.

Learn more about homemade dog food recipes with our article on Homemade Dog Food for your Canines

Benefits of a Cooling Diet

Switching to a cooling diet can offer numerous benefits for dogs prone to heat-related issues, including:

  • Reduces Inflammation and Allergies: Cooling foods help soothe inflammation and reduce allergy symptoms.
  • Supports Immune Health: A balanced diet with cooling foods strengthens your dog’s immune system.
  • Promotes Calmness: Cooling foods can have a calming effect, reducing aggression and hyperactivity.
  • Hydrates and Refreshes: High water content in cooling foods like cucumber helps keep your dog hydrated.
Cooling Diets for Dogs

Is Turkey a Cooling Food for Dogs?

Turkey is generally considered neutral rather than cooling. However, it can still be part of a cooling diet, especially when paired with cooling ingredients like cucumber and spinach.

Best Cooling Diet for Dogs

The best cooling diet for your dog should include a variety of cooling meats, vegetables, and grains. A combination of duck, spinach, barley, and chamomile can work wonders for reducing internal heat and keeping your dog calm and healthy.

For more about the best diets for specific breeds, check out our article on Best Dog Food for Pitbulls.”

Cooling Diet for Dogs


A cooling diet can make a significant difference for dogs suffering from heat-related issues, allergies, or inflammation. By incorporating cooling foods like duck, cucumber, and barley into your dog’s meals, you can help them stay cool, calm, and comfortable. As always, consult your vet before making any major changes to your dog’s diet and introduce new foods gradually to ensure the best results.

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