Why Does Your Dog Give You the Side Eye 2024?

Have you ever seen your dog give you a side-eye expression?  It’s when your dog turns their head to the side and sees you from the corner of their eye. Every dog owner is wondering what’s happening in their mind; the answer is fascinating.

Understanding the context and body language associated with this look is critical for deciphering what your dog is attempting to communicate.

What is Dog Side Eye?

A side eye look, also described as the ‘whale eye,’ takes place when a dog tilts its head but continually looks at something or someone with the sclera, the white part of the eyes, in clear view.

This type of communication is well known under the names of ‘dog side eye’, or ‘whale eye’, when, turning its head in another direction, the dog manages to keep an eye on an object or a subject, while its white part of the eyes – sclera is in plain sight.

This creates a crescent or half-moon appearance around the iris area of the eye, and is the origin of the name. It can be a good sign of a dog’s emotional state more often than not; the dog might be feeling discomfort, stress or simply, playfulness.

But unfortunately, the side eye is not always a sign of discomfort. It is a submissive sign in dogs and in more casual situations might mean playful, or mild interest, especially when the tail is wagging or the rest of the body language seems to be relaxed.

Dog Side Eye

Common Triggers for Side Eye

Understanding what causes the side eye might help you control your dog’s behavior and avoid potential stressors.

• Resource Guarding: Dogs also roll their eyes when they are angry or when they feel the urge to protect something which belongs to them such as food, toys or even a person they are attached with.
For instance, if a dog is enjoying a toy and you are moving closer anticipating to take it away they may turn their head and give the look of you as if to tell you to leave them alone.

• Unfamiliar People or Animals: Dogs eye side when they are feeling threatened or unsure whether to approach you or your pet in this case when meeting someone new or a pet. This is a way for them to express their dissuade towards the unknown situation

• Handling or Grooming: Side eyeing is common in dogs in such moments as grooming, vet-appointments or being hugged. This behaviour is rather indicative of discomfort and may be an early sign of aggression and could be followed by growling or snapping.

• New Environments: Dogs also get stressed when in new environment that they are not used to and this tactic achieves this goal of making the dogs stressed up. This behavior becomes side eye if they are in a different environment; they may develop eye side as they try to fit in the new environment.

Why Does Your Dog Give You the Side Eye

How to Respond to Your Dog’s Side Eye

As important as the ability to identify and address side eye from your dog is to improving your interaction with them.

  • Respect Their Space: In the case when your dog is looking at you with the side eye when there are any issues connected with the resource guarding or when your dog seems uncomfortable – you are better leaving them alone. It is recommended not to stare at them, not approach them, or offer your hand to them before you don’t feel that they are fine with it.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Generally, dogs that give side eye do so because of certain stressors that are linked to them therefore enhancing the dog’s training so as to make the dog develop positive feelings with those stressors might help in eradicating the side eye. For example pavlov’s ring: praise correct behavior for example during grooming or when there are strangers present should help your dog gain confidence .
  • Create Safe Spaces: Your dog should have its own safe zone, to which it can go to and feel protected and safe at the same time. This should ideally be a no-stress area, to which one can escape to in case something seen is causing him/her stress.
  • Seek Professional Help if Needed: Some dogs often accompany side eye with some clear signal of aggression or profound anxiety, thus such dogs should be taken to the veterinarian or a professional trainer.
  • They can educate you on such areas as the likely causes of the behavior, and how to go about with your pooch when the behavior gets out of hand.
Dog Side Eye

The Role of Breed and Individual Differences

What this also means is that dogs are not equal when it comes to side eye and there is variation in how the this body language is done. Some of the animals of a certain breed owing to having larger or bulging eyes are likely to reveal more of the sclera even when it is not stressed.

 Some of these dogs may learn this in normal social interaction, but breeds that where bred with the purpose of acting as security dogs such as the German Shepherd or the Dalmatian may use the side eye more frequently maybe due to their breed employment.

That is why this chapter also offers some pieces of information that should be recalled when getting a new dog, each dog is different, and it has its background. What one dog might take with side eye might be totally different to what another might take, in a sarcastic manner.

 For one to understand this side eye from your dog properly he or she, should have some understanding of your dogs signs and what makes them go trigger happy.

Why Does Your Dog Give You the Side Eye


That side eye is a warning for raising the volume and a hostile way to communicate with dogs without having to speak in the loudest voice. Knowing how and when the signal is given by your dog and other characteristics that will assist you in identifying signals that your dog looks out for will play a big role in ensuring that the needs of your dog are well met.

This also takes pressure off of them and strengthens the relationship that you have with your cute little ball of fur. Just as important is knowing who a happy dog is: it is the dog whose vocal and expressive needs were recognized and fulfilled.

To better understand your dog’s behavior and how to address issues like side eye or weight gain concerns, you can check out this detailed guide on supporting your dog’s journey to gain weight. It offers practical tips on nutrition, exercise, and health management tailored for dogs in need of weight gain, which can complement your overall approach to canine well-being.


Here are the FAQs:

What does it mean when your dog looks at you from the side?

    • When a dog looks at you from the side, it may be showing a sign of submission or uncertainty. This side-eye glance is often a way for dogs to communicate that they are not a threat and are trying to avoid direct confrontation.

    Why does my dog stare at me from the corner of his eye?

      • When a dog stares at you from the corner of their eye, it could indicate curiosity or wariness. This behavior often suggests that the dog is observing you while trying not to appear confrontational or too direct.

      What does it mean when a dog gives you whale eyes?

        • Whale eyes occur when a dog shows the whites of their eyes, often indicating discomfort, stress, or fear. It’s a way for a dog to signal that they are feeling uneasy or threatened, and it’s important to approach them calmly and avoid forcing interaction.

        Why do dogs give you squinty eyes?

          • Squinty eyes in dogs can indicate relaxation, contentment, or affection. When a dog squints their eyes around you, it often means they feel safe and comfortable. However, if accompanied by other signs of discomfort, it could indicate an eye issue or discomfort.

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